
How Much Money Does Tim Tracker Make

  1. V

    The Tim Tracker #46 it's called Google you daft cow

    Thanks to @scopeyscope for the new thread title. I'll let someone else do the recap if they'd like.

    • VloggerCritic
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  2. P

    The Tim Tracker #45 Don't 💩 where you eat

    The Slackers finally uploaded vlogs to fill up the last thread. The thread title is courtesy of @jwee Jenn Infinity Dinners Faint Lines only took 2+ weeks to edit and upload footage from the beginning of October. Now we are seeing the disaster and difficulty that Jenn put is "traveling with...

    • peteykirch
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  3. P

    The Tim Tracker #44 Cluttered Rooms, Empty Heads

    Time for a brand new TimTracker thread of idiocy and punishment. This thread title is courtesy of @scopeyscope When will Jenn get around to uploading anything from their current DL trip? Is she behind because California is 3 hours behind Florida and she's still adjusting? In the last thread...

    • peteykirch
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  4. P

    The Tim Tracker #43 It's Jenn's Show, Tim is just living in it.

    Time for a new thread, this one comes courtesy of @Monkeypoopants. The Slackers continued their consistent late upload schedule by having their newest vlog go live at 10PM, after the day prior Ginn told us in the live stream she was still working on it. Even factoring the upload time once...

    • peteykirch
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  5. V

    The Tim Tracker #42 Freelancer, freeloader, free covid!

    New thread time again we are flying through these! Thanks to @Vatulele for the new thread title. So if you squint really hard you can see the word "Freelance" on his lanyard in the thumbnail pic for today's video. Link to photo as well:

    • VloggerCritic
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  6. V

    The Tim Tracker #41 Gay isn't contagious, but COVID is

    Thanks to @MojoFilter for the new thread title

    • VloggerCritic
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  7. P

    The Tim Tracker #40 How do we know The Trackers are lying? Their lips are moving.

    Figured to get a new thread ready as the current one will most likely fill up over night. This thread title is courtesy of @Vatulele with a slight edit by myself to just pound home the who we are talking about. Will Jenn continue their midnight upload schedule? Where will they go next to...

    • peteykirch
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  8. P

    The Tim Tracker #39 The Only Thing Bigger Than Our Lies are Our Tattle Threads

    It seems we are filling up an entire thread in 1-2 days. Praise be the Maker that the Trackers are relentless in giving us content to make fun of them for. It's confirmed they finally have acquired the services of a Nanny because for 2 parents who have WFH "jobs" they are unable to keep track...

    • peteykirch
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    • Forum: Influencers
  9. P

    The Tim Tracker #38 They're out of touch, they're out of time

    The last thread filled up in what seemed to be record time, then again it helps when you have Universal Team Members give us updates on J4D/Godzilla/Zuul drunk rampaging and being a stereotypical "Karen" to employees who don't deserve it at all. The thread title is courtesy of @CoolWhip When...

    • peteykirch
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  10. P

    The Tim Tracker #37 Yes, it's true. This man has no dick.

    Time for a new Tracker thread. Fresh off their Live Stream where Dim admits Universal didn't invite them, the Slackers attempt to weaponize their Stans to barrage Universal with emails and phonecalls demanding the Bojos are once again appointed theme vlogging royalty. The thread title comes...

    • peteykirch
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  11. P

    Tim Tracker #36 Jenn go away, no one likes you!

    Time for a new thread, the Slackers fresh off their live stream explaining what Genie+ is despite the fact they aren't a news site and shouldn't be giving out information as such despite the fact that Dim proclaims himself the ultimate know it all. The thread title is courtesy of...

    • peteykirch
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  12. P

    The Tim Tracker #35 unfinished vlog, finished 4 dinners!

    Well, it's time for another thread, the Slackers aren't giving us much as this was the longest it took to fill up a thread in awhile. The title is courtesy of @scopeyscope in reference to the Slackers lazy editing/upload schedule and the desire to eat themselves to an early grave. Will we ever...

    • peteykirch
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  13. Emmapism


    The old rave thread for Tim and Jenn is no longer a rave thread so I thought I would start one up here for people who want to chat about the Trackers but feel like they can't post elsewhere. Welcome!

    • Emmapism
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  14. P

    The Tim Tracker #34 hosted, toasted & dumber than ever.

    Another thread has come and went, and this one is courtesy of @Vatulele The Slackers had a "family vacation" while #Hosted at AMI however the only "family" present were Dim, Gin, and Jackpot....Guess they couldn't share that giant beach house with anyone else since their egos and all their...

    • peteykirch
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  15. P

    The Tim Tracker #33 Two dinners, four strollers, and no media passes

    New thread time, this one is courtesy of @Vatulele this has to be one of the most reacted to thread title suggestions since we started having a Tim Slacker Thread. When will the Slackers attempt to return Larry for a new balloon that didn't deflate? Will the Slackers Family Vacation be at the...

    • peteykirch
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  16. P

    The Tim Tracker #32 Deflated balloons and inflated egos.

    New thread time. This one comes courtesy of @NEW-B The Trackers continue their saga of trying to recoup their $15 balloon as it's going on over a week and multiple attempts to find a balloon vender all for naught so far. A live vlog, and a home vlog on deck so that means a staycation has to...

    • peteykirch
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  17. P

    TheTimTracker #31 How to have your cake and...hang on, where's the ducking cake?!

    Time for a new thread, this title comes courtesy of @Galorious The Slackers just ended their 3 night GF Themepark View Suite Staycation where they tried hodge podge all the trouble in paradise between Cupcake-Gate and Jackpot being his defiant I mean toddler self. Tim bought a coat that is two...

    • peteykirch
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  18. P

    The Tim Tracker #30 Money for Nothing and the Kid works free.

    A bit late, but it's time for a new thread nonetheless. This title comes courtesy of @Love_the_kitz borrowing from a great Dire Straits song. How late will Jenn get the Fireworks Vlog up? Will Tim game the system telling us Disney invited him out or that he pleaded for someone to add him as...

    • peteykirch
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  19. P

    The Tim Tracker #29 The Suite Life of Jenny 2 Dinners and Timmy Tight Pants

    Time for new thread! The Slackers bumming it at Art of Animation in a giant suite despite only being a family of 3, and not the Floridian version of the Duggers. This thread title is courtesy of @VloggerCritic They wasted a park pass reservation at the studios to eat at the Brown Derby and...

    • peteykirch
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  20. P

    The Tim Tracker #28 Tell me lies, I mean feed me pies, sweet little pies

    Another thread has filled up, and it's time for a new one. This title is a collab with @CoolWhip Father's Day has come and gone and it appears all Jenn did was click the order button on the Target website for his Apple Watch along with another expensive trip this time to Hawaii.....I cannot...

    • peteykirch
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    • Forum: Influencers
  21. P

    The Tim Tracker #27 Where's the Beef? Around Timbos Gut and Twitter

    Time for another entry in the Dim Slacker Saga. Where will the Slackers stay next? How many commodes will there be? When will Jenny Two Dinners upgrade her game and turn into Jenny Three Dinners? How disappointing will Dim's Father Day be? How will the Slackers keep masquerading the fact...

    • peteykirch
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    • Forum: Influencers
  22. P

    The Tim Tracker #26 Help! We've fallen and we can't get up!

    Time for another thread. This one comes courtesy of @HereForTheT3a22 The Slackers uploading vlogs at a glacial-esque pace taking 9 days to upload their last vlog from the MK. Where the Gucci Wearing, Tesla Driving, McMansion Living Trackers declare 9 bucks for 2 springrolls is way too much...

    • peteykirch
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    • Replies: 992
    • Forum: Influencers
  23. P

    The Tim Tracker #25 I've got friends in no places

    Big thanks to at @Tampa_Life for the thread title...was tempted to add "I've got friends in no places, where "Whine" drowns and Stans chase" Will Tim ever get around to fixing the garage shelf that NEARLY KILLED HIM? Will they actually spend an entire week sleeping in their own house? What...

    • peteykirch
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    • Forum: Influencers
  24. P

    Tim Tracker #24 Staycation, all I ever wanted.. Staycation had to get away

    Thanks to @Tampa_Life for the overwhelmingly liked thread suggestion. Do we really believe the Slackers booked their Vero Beach stay over a year ago? Did they even pay for it? Or did their "friends" make a deal with the Rotund Sunburnt Florida She-Devil Jenn Bojo? What will the Slackers blame...

    • peteykirch
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    • Forum: Influencers
  25. P

    Tim Tracker #23 Supersized Trackers at Portillo's and the Sisterhood of Jen's Widening Pan

    Another week, and another filled up TimSlacker thread. This thread title is courtesy of @apojacks It should read, but there is a character limit Tim Tracker #23 Supersized Trackers at Portillo's and the Sisterhood of Jen's Widening Pants Will we get another Staycation vlog soon? Dimbo looked...

    • peteykirch
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    • Replies: 994
    • Forum: Influencers

How Much Money Does Tim Tracker Make


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